Kuna tegin oma õppematerjali esiteks eXe abil, aga ei õnnestunud veebi seda panna, siis selleks ülesanneks hästi sobinud see eXe-ga loodud materjal.
Siis tegin Scorm package, instaleerisin ScormPlaterit ja proovisin, aga....
"Problem validating manifest
The prefix "xml" cannot be bound to any namespace other than its usual namespace; neither can the namespace for "xml" be bound to any prefix other than "xml"."
Selline teade annab mulle Scorm Player kui ma tahan oma scorm package käivitada playeri abil.
Edasi proovinud HotPotatoes abil ka koostada materjali, tegin ScormPackage ja panin Playeri, ning jälle see sama lugu, samasugune teade:
Problem validating manifest
The prefix "xml" cannot be bound to any namespace other than its usual namespace; neither can the namespace for "xml" be bound to any prefix other than "xml".
Praegu ei saa aru kus on probleem. Kahjuks.
Malvorlage Pferd Einfach
6 years ago
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